Broadway Station’s REPERTOIRE
A foggy day (G. GERSHWIN)
Bewitched (R. RODGERS)
Close to you (B. BACHARACH)
Cry me a river (A. HAMILTON)
Cheek to cheek (I. BERLIN)
Children will listen (S. SONDHEIM)
Don’t rain on my Parade (J. STYNE)
Everybody says don’t (S. SONDHEIM)
Evergreen (B. STREISAND)
Fly me to the moon (B. HOWARD)
Guilty (B. GIBB)
Hello Dolly (J. HERMAN)
How about you (B. LANE)
I get a kick out of you (C. PORTER)
I‘ve got a crush on you (G. GERSHWIN)
I’ve got you under my skin (C. PORTER)
It had to be you ( I.JONES)
I won’t dance (J.KERN)
I wanna be like you ( R. SHERMAN)
Just in time (J. STYNE)
Laura (D. RASKIN)
Let it snow (J. STYNE)
Lover, come back to me (S. ROMBERG)
Moon River (H. MANCINI)
More than you know (V. YOUMANS)
My Man (M. YVAIN)
New York, New York (J. KANDER)
Night and day (C. PORTER)
Over the rainbow (H. ARLEN)
Papa, can you hear me? (M. LEGRAND)
People (J. STYNE)
Quando, quando (T. RENIS)
Second hand rose (J. HANLEY)
Smile ( C. CHAPLIN)
Strangers in the night (B.KAEMPFERT)
The lady is a tramp (R. RODGERS)
The way he makes me feel (M. LEGRAND)
The way we were (M HAMLISCH)
The way you look tonight (J. KERN)
What are you doing the rest of your life? (M. LEGRAND)
What a wonderful world (G. WEISS)
Where is it written? (M. LEGRAND)
Witchcraft (C. COLEMAN)